Learning to Walkagain Genlock Episode 3 Deep Dive Genlock

The Theology behind Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

In this episode we explore the theology and ramifications in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams. In addition to analyzing key theological concepts, I intend to uncover what might be undergirding these theological statements and how we can utilize that In practical discussions.


May 24, 2022

Gene Roddenberry's Theology on Star Trek

In this episode we explore the theology of Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, and how it impacted Star Trek, as well as the implications of the writer's choice on the later parts of the series.


May 16, 2022

"Picard" Season 2 Theological Review

In this episode, I analyze some key theological elements from episode 8 and 9 of season 2 of the television show, "Picard," as well as their practical application, comparing and contrasting the secular theological thought with biblical thought. Minimal spoilers are included.


May 09, 2022

The Borg versus Unity of Christ

In this episode, we examine the similarities and differences between Star Trek "Borg" and the theological concept of unity of Christ.


May 02, 2022

Paramount plus Halo episode 1 and 2 Theological review

In this episode I explore the minor biblical themes behind episode one and episode 2 of Paramount plus's Halo Analyzing what elements are biblical and what elements stray As well as the biblical context of terms the show used


April 25, 2022

Theological review - Disney film "Encanto"

In this episode I covered the theological overtones of The Disney movie "Encanto." Both positive Biblical elements and places of deviation, as well as suggestions as to how to use this movie in spiritual conversations.


March 28, 2022

Greek and Hebrew Language Tips

In this episode, I cover tips and tools for learning Biblical Greek and Hebrew.  I cover some of the major textbooks and resources. For general grammar, I also discuss helpful tools for syntax study.


March 21, 2022

Tips for Biblical Vocabulary Memorization

In this episode I cover a few tips on how to effectively memorize Biblical vocabulary, as well as my general philosophy regarding Biblical languages.


March 14, 2022

Sight and Sound Theatre review of the Jesus show

In this episode I explore the biblical themes and backgrounds of Sight and Sounds Theatre Jesus show. I explore what elements are in included in the biblical data and what the elements are artistic liberties.


January 03, 2022

In this special episode I will be diving into cultural myths about Christmas, as well as biblical facts.  I will also cover Christmas' historical significance and its impact on our lives.


December 27, 2021

In this episode, I continue my analysis of the ETS conference this time focusing on talks that I found enjoyable and exhilarating. I also include some positive experiences I had while at the conference. It was truly an enjoyable experience and confirmed that I'm on the path God wants me to be.


December 20, 2021

The ETS conference review, part 1

In this episode I will be reviewing 2 papers which I disagreed with from the papers presented at the ETS conference, November 16th through 18 2021.  Recordings of these lectures can be purchased from the ETS website


December 13, 2021

Theological Review: HBO series "Genlock"

Come with me as we explore the theological underpinnings of HBO Max's series Genlock.  We review both the biblically divergent concept as well as as the elements that are true to the Bible.


December 06, 2021

Theological Review: Movie "Free Guy"

Come along with me as we explore the the theological overtones of the movie, "Free Guy."  Spoiler alert: We will analyze what components of the movie deviate from biblical themes, what components are similar and how we can use this movie as a tool for evangelism.  Feel free to leave me a message on Anchor with future episode suggestions.


November 29, 2021

Next week I am planning on doing doing a theological review of the movie freak guy As always feel free to leave me a message and anchor with any questions or suggestions Or email me Add keep digging for life At gmail.com


November 22, 2021

In this episode I discuss How God is working In the midst of my extreme pain And because of that How He is sufficient for whatever we're going through


November 08, 2021

The chosen episode 7 Invitations Theological review

Spoiler alert In this episode we dive into the rich old Old Testament background behind the chosen episode 7 We also analyze word components of the show are artistic liberties and which part of the show mad up to biblical data Come along with me as we dig into this together


November 01, 2021

"Dune" part one theological review

In this episode we explore the theological background of the new movie Dune part one Exploring its similarities and differences With biblical truth And how we might respond


October 25, 2021

The chosen episode 6 Theological review

Come with me as we again continue our exploration Of the series the chosen Exploring wherexploring where artistic liberties divulged divulged from biblical text What was biblically accurate And the creators of thorough intent For their character progression


October 18, 2021

"The Chosen" Episode 5 The Wedding Gift - Theological Review

Come seewith me as we continue our series of theological review and analysis of the series, "The Chosen," where we take a deep dive Into the show to determine what are typical liberties that have been taken, what is true to the biblical text, and how this particular episode fits into the grand narrative of the series.


October 11, 2021

"The Chosen" Season 1, Episode 3 Theological review

I continue my series theologically analyzing "The Chosen." This week I cover episode 3.  Come with me as we discover the theological and biblical underpinnings of this episode. We also discuss this episode use of artistic liberty and it's potential impact on the season as a whole.


September 21, 2021

"The Chosen" Season 1, Episode 2 Theological review

In this episode, we biblically explore the second episode of the series, "The Chosen."  We explore what areas were added or improbable from the Bible, what elements are true to biblical form, and how the creators orchestrate all this to prevail their authorial intent.


September 13, 2021

"The Chosen" Season 1, Episode 1 Theological review

Come with me as I explore the biblical background to the first episode of the series, "The chosen." I analyze both the embellishments, which are somewhat inaccurate, and the deep biblical background fueling this episode to see how we can apply these principles of themes and authoritarian tentant to anything we read or consume.


September 06, 2021

"The Craft of Research" - Book Review and Insights

In this episode, I discuss the book "The Craft of Research."  This book covers the entire process of paper and project writing from idea to final editing, as well as how to evaluate arguments and use those to spur on research.  This is applicable to everyone from students to critical readers. I end with a personal reflection on the benefits of detailed scriptural research known as the Sauer Exegetical Method, developed by Dr. Ronald Sauer, professor at Moody Bible Institute.


August 30, 2021

God's good plan and waiting

Have you ever heard that God has a wonderful plan for your life Does this mean there is no difficulty in life In this episode I explore God's good plan And suffering from a biblical Perspective Correlating it To recent events In my life My Hope and prayer is that this episode Encourages all of us To see guns redemption Of our suffering


August 23, 2021

Life update And how to read a book summary

Today I discuss God's current workings in my life Also I give it the opportunity to explore the book called how to read a book Summarizing and condensing some of its base components To equip you with the tools To better understand Books that I wish I had Learned at the very beginning of my Schooling journey


August 16, 2021

What I have learned from my doctoral program search

In this step I give advice Of what I would have done in my master's program Had I known what I know now I also discuss research language prep and A wait to determine if further schooling is right for you


August 09, 2021

Loki episode 5 and 6 theological review

In this episode we explore The theology behind the final 2 episodes of season one for Marvel's Loki On Disney plus What theology lies behind these episodes How close is it to The true theology of The Bible You might be surprised what you find


August 02, 2021

Theological Review: Loki Episodes 3 and 4

We continue our theological reflection on Marvel's Loki. What exists beneath the surface of this Marvel show? Come find out!  Please be warned: spoilers are included.


July 05, 2021

Theological Review: Paramount+ Movie: Infinite

What theology undergirds the Paramount movie Infinite? What part of it presents a biblical worldview or an unbiblical worldview? Come join me as we take a ride down the theological current of the movie.


June 28, 2021

Theological Review: Loki Episode 2, The Variant

Spoiler alert! This episode contains plot spoilers from both episode 1 & 2 of the original Disney show, Loki. Today we discuss the theological undertones of episode 2 of Marvel's new show, Loki. I also reflect on the possible reasons for this theological influence.


June 21, 2021

In this episode, I cover the overview of Mark 2:18-28 as well as the textural issues for verse 18 and general principles of textural criticism. Come join me these next few weeks as we take a deeper dive into this passage.


June 07, 2021

Exposition of Daniel Chapter 2

What is the significance of Daniel chapter 2?  Does it speak about the future? Does it speak about the past? What about the 4th Kingdom? All this and more on this week's episode.


May 31, 2021

In this episode I draw out (exegete) Genesis 2:1.   I discuss the Hebrew grammatical context and its impact on interpretation.


May 24, 2021

Commencement Week and Beyond

I graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary on May 8, 2021.  Hear all about how God worked in my life during commencement week, including a standing ovation when I crossed the stage to receive my diploma.  I also discuss my future plans.


May 17, 2021

Abad (Exterminate) in Numbers and Deuteronomy, Part One

What is the theological significance of extermination (the Hebrew word, Abad) in the books of Numbers and Deuteronomy? How does it affect us and how does it relate to God's promises? In In this 2-part series, we will explore these questions and, in the process, demonstrate a method to determine how words relate to themes of books in the Bible.


May 05, 2021

Covenantalism and Dispensationalism: What are they?

In this episode, we will delve into two Biblical theological systems: covenantalism and dispensationalism, answering questions like, "Did the church replace Israel?" and "Did God reject Israel?" and others.


April 26, 2021

Theological Review: Godzilla, King of Monsters

What theology lurks behind Godzilla, King of Monsters?  Is it a theology that protects and affirms biblical truth or does it affirm theological falsehoods? Or is it a mixture both?


April 19, 2021

Unity with Christ and Pain

In this episode we learn about our unity with Christ and how that unity Impacts not only our transformation to be more like Christ, but also how Christ is tangible with us In every experience of our lives.


April 05, 2021

What is the future this Earth? Will it be destroyed beyond recognition? Will it just be restored to a better state? Listen to this week's episode to find out.


March 29, 2021

The New Perspective on Paul

In this episode I discuss the book, "The New Perspective on Paul," Its historical roots, positives and negatives, the traditional perspective and which is more faithful to the biblical text.


March 22, 2021

New Testament Intro Book review

In this episode I review books For New Testament intro At Dalasi logical seminaryTo help the average person Find helpful information On the New Testament


March 15, 2021

Have you ever wondered What the rapture means ThisWeek on keep digging for life We explore The Possible views Add weigh the arguments Ending with practical application


March 01, 2021

A concluding look At views on the millennium Post millennial And pre millennialism As well as Practical insights


February 22, 2021

An introduction to the views Regarding the millennium found in revelation chapter 20


February 15, 2021


February 14, 2021

Announcing a focus On biblical education


February 14, 2021

Explanation of Paul's greetings "grace and peace" and "in Christ"

In this episode I focus on the end product of the Inductive Bible study program, focusing particularly on the common phrases "grace and peace" and "in Christ." I also provide practical application for these phrases. Never again will we skip over the Introductory matters of Paul's letters.


October 21, 2019

In this episode of our advanced Bible study course We Discuss How to determine the importance and purpose for a chapter in A book of The Bible Exact details Of method Will be in a later Episode


September 30, 2019

Bible study tools episode 3 books in Contact

In this episode we learn how to Look for the significance of biblical books In the contact Of the entire Bible We also discuss Interpretation and application Joined by my friend Miguel


September 23, 2019

Bible study tools episode 2 Genre

In this episode we explain what a genre is how to detect it where to find it We also cover some Common questions related to Genre


September 16, 2019

Disability ministry re examined part 2

In this episode I Resume the discussion Concerning the 5 step plan Covering step 34 and 5 Regarding how we can Conduct better Ministry to people with disability and each other I supplement this with personal stories positive and negative examples


September 09, 2019

Disability ministry Re examined

In this Podcast I covered the 1st 2 steps Of my 5 step plan for better disability ministry Notice an Engage I developed this plan will reflecting on my own life Having cerebral palsy Focusing onAreas in which the church can improve ministry not only to me but other people with physical disabilities


September 02, 2019

In this episode we discuss the overarching theme of The Bible in general ground rules for good bible study


August 20, 2019

Keep digging for life intro

Introduction to the purpose of Keep digging for life To Equip and educate the average person With tools and processes For the detailed Study of the old and New Testament


August 20, 2019


Source: https://anchor.fm/jason-epps/episodes/Christmas-Facts-and-Fables-A-case-study-of-the-movie--The-Nativity-Story-e1c3r00

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