Natural Hair Length Check Hair Chart | Coils and Glory
(Final Updated On: June 19, 2018)
Confused by the acronyms online about natural hair length bank check guide? Below, I've summarized major length milestones with a total clarification of each acronym to explicate when you've reached those stages. Rather than grabbing a record mensurate or a ruler which might be hard to use, you would be ameliorate off using your own body every bit a measuring aide.
Edited Length Bank check Chart
The longest hair length I have e'er seen on anybody, including Black women with Locs is Archetype LENGTH. It's up to each private to decide on the longest length they want their pilus to abound to. The picture above can help you decide on your ultimate length goal, and you tin can work gradually through each stage until you lot attain your end goal.
Then if reaching Bra strap length is your end goal, but you're currently at eyebrow length, your short-term goal would be to reach nose length, while your center term goal will be a shoulder or armpit length. Based on the average charge per unit at which your pilus grows, you can prepare a timeline for your goal.
For example, if y'all have a wearisome growth rate and an average retention rate, you can program to go from eyebrow length to olfactory organ or lip length in one year or 6 months.
In case y'all're a bit confused well-nigh all the hair acronyms you read about online, I have written the abbreviation for each length goal side by side to their description. I besides broke these milestones downwards into three groups as about people tend to go a length cheque on dissimilar parts of their hair.
I even added some terms such every bit eyebrow length, lip length, nose length, chin length, earlobe length and jaw length.
These mini-stages are perfect for newbies and people who adopt to go along their hair short. And then instead of feeling like an outsider because your hair isn't at BSL, you can instead brag well-nigh your EBL or NL 🙂
Front end
- Eyebrow length (EBL): Hair which touches the top of the eyebrow when pulled
- Lip length: hair which touches the upper lip
- Nose length (NL) – pilus which touches the nostrils when stretched
- Chin-length (CL) – pilus grows down to the mentum
- Earlobe length (EL) – hair touching one's earlobe, about reaching the jaw
- Jaw length – side hair which reaches your left/right jaw when pulled
- Bra strap Length (BSL) – hair reaching the bra strap
- Shoulder-length – hair reaching the shoulders
- Armpit-length – hair reaching the armpit
- Midback-length (MBL) – hair that goes past your bra straps
- Waist-length (WL)- hair that reaches the waist, close to your belly push button
- Hip-length (HL) – hair reaching the summit of your hips
- Tailbone-length (TBL) – pilus that reaches your tailbone, close to your bum
- Archetype length (CL) – hair that goes past your buttocks, this is the longest length I've always seen
- Thigh-length (TL) – hair that is at the mid-thigh
- Knee-length (KL) – pilus that is at the knee
- Calf-length – pilus that is at the calf
- Flooring-length (FL) – pilus that reaches the floor. That's a LOT of HAIR!
Using your trunk parts for length checks is much easier than using a record mensurate, although you might not exist able to measure your length retention charge per unit past simply pulling your hair.
What is your electric current length? What is your terminate goal? What tips would you lot share with those who are finding it difficult to reach their next length goal?
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